(Full French Lesson) 42:15 【YouTube搬运 | 法语学习】法语提升小方法Ton Français est Impressionnant si tu fais ces 7 choses 12:57 【YouTube搬运 | 法语学习】法语可颂到底怎么发音How to pronounce “Croissant” 16:05 【YouTube搬运 | 法语口语】进阶法语历史- _ LE SABOTAGE 🛠️ 26:33 【...
(Full French Lesson) 42:15 【YouTube搬运 | 法语学习】法语提升小方法Ton Français est Impressionnant si tu fais ces 7 choses 12:57 【YouTube搬运 | 法语学习】法语可颂到底怎么发音How to pronounce “Croissant” 16:05 【YouTube搬运 | 法语口语】进阶法语历史- _ LE SABOTAGE 🛠️ 26:33 【...
We're talking, of course, about that ubiquitous French term for a decorative pillow: the one you're not quite sure how to pronounce. Fear not, aspiring Francophile! Mastering the pronunciation is easier than you think. Let's break it down: Step 1: The "Cou" Imagine the ...
“being like that,”“being of those”. Being homosexual. The essence of contempt of a homophobic society that does not pronounce the name. + Essere dell’altra sponda “being from the other shore”, coinciding with the Spanish expression “ser de la otra acera / ser de la acera de enfr...
How to Pronounce your Favorite Designer Names Abaeté: Ah-bye-ah-tay Alejandro Ingelmo: Allay-handro In-gel-mo Andrew Gn: Andrew Jen Andy Thê-Anh: An-dee Tay-Ann Anya Hindmarch: Ahn-ya Heind-march Arthur Mendonça: Ar-thur Men-doe-sa ...
French Sounds: How to pronounce “ou” vs “u” À tout de suite. I’ll see you in the next video! → If you enjoyed this lesson (and/or learned something new) – why notshare this lesson with a francophile friend? You can talk about it afterwards! You’ll learn much more if ...
I last worked not terribly far from a Chillicothe, IL, so I was already versed on how to pronounce this tricky Iowa town name. Alas, some don't. Say it with me: "chill-uh-KAW-thee." 7. Delhi, IA: I confess to having screwed up the pronunciation of this town on the radio when...
Then, try to distinguish between voiced and voiceless consonants. You tend to pronounce /v/ as /f/ and /z/ as /s/ or even as /S/. As a matter of fact, you speak all kinds of 's's as /S/s. That's what makes it hard to understand, and that's why I guess you're Dutch;...
Today in the west, the country is commonly called Laos. While westerners commonly pronounce the “s” at the end of the name, Lao nationals and others in the region do not. Laotian people The name Laos is derived from the Laotian people, an ethnicity that make up more than half the pop...
Considered a noble wine in Alsace, Gewurztraminer (geh-VAIRTZ-trah-mee-ner) has the distinction of being one of the easiest wines to recognize and the hardest to spell and pronounce. It is spectacularly fragrant, with heady scents of lychee nut, rose petal, apricot, pear, and clovelike sp...