I have a pronunciation problem. I cant pronounce so well. So I plan to listen to the tape and read after it. I cant read English passages quickly and cant write a passage clearly. Now I plan to read more and practice writing often. As for listening, sometimes I cant understand what ot...
Foreigners using Chinese names is a custom dating back to the Tang Dynasty. We do it for the same reasons some Chinese use English names overseas — they’re easier for locals to pronounce and facilitate cross-cultural connections. In other words…when in Rome, do as the Romanians do. Most...
He revealed that he once attempted to learn Chinese, but the language proved “so difficult to pronounce that my tongue could not move freely.” The book is largely devoted to introducing Lu Xun (pen name of Zhou Shuren, 1881-1936), a great Chinese writer of the early 20th century, and...
We have had few cases at all of mange here in San Francisco since 2002 when coyotes suddenly re-appeared in the city after many years of absence due to our having killed them off. Last year, 2024 there was a sudden surge in the condition. From what I’ve seen, the infected animals s...
Learning to pronounce unfamiliar foreign sounds is never easy. Francophones learning English have a terrible time pronouncing the "th" sound in words such as "the", "they", "through", "throw", etc., because there is no French equivalent. But they do it reasonably well. Just as you may...
I like your mother; I like her easy warmth and the fondness in her eyes when she looks at you and I like the way she decided early on that we were co-conspirators in Human emotional deviance, quirked eyebrows be damned. It’s Sarek I can’t warm to. Maybe not ShiKahr. ...
a valuable tool for cineasts to look over what the general consensus on the latest film might be, from the low-key independent film you can hardly pronounce to the latest glitzy blockbuster Hollywood throws into a bazillion screens across the globe. A site such as Rotten Tomatoes, easily...