Yet, book critics regularly pronounce the literary merits and failures of novels in their reviews. Research on cultural criticism has shed considerable light on how reviewers are able to assess the meaning and value of novels in the absence of objective indicators of literary quality by relying on...
Misoneism (\ˌmi-sə-ˈnē-ˌi-zəm\) | Pronunciation/Meaning/How to Pronounce/Definition/Etymology/Origin 16 related questions found How do you use Misoneism in a sentence? He proposed that misoneism reigns over everyone and everywhere, in customs and in religion, in morality an...
Be careful of names difficult to pronounce, unless it becomespart of the story. I created a character namedWojciechowskiand had him tell another character, “Just call me W.” 6. Keep character names distinct. If I had26 characters in my novel, I’d start each of their names with a di...
“It did take him a bit of time to learn to pronounce my name, but he was always apologetic when he said it wrong, and always insisted on the importance of getting such things right. He was easily the most inspirational and challenging teacher I’ve had…he just insisted that every ...
Racially charged comments are also another form of discriminative communication. Asking a colleague of an ethnic minority if they are the new diversity hire, where they are actually from or commenting that their name is difficult to pronounce are examples of speech that carry racist undertones that...
Yoda – an iconic scifi name that’s easy to pronounce 9. Avoid overusing character names in dialogue It’s a soap opera thing that has spilled over into serial television. If you have characters that have an especially close relationship, they would not keep saying each other’s name. Thi...
Say the pen name out loud. Now, ask 5 of your friends to say it out loud. Did they all pronounce it the same way? Did any of them stumble over the pronunciation? Try not to pick a name so common that it’s forgettable. Ashley Nicole is a pleasant-sounding name, but it’s so ...
More hearteningly, people often want to do the right thing by the “Other” but just aren’t sure how. Some of my favorite reader questions come from this category: Can you say “bless you” to a sneezing atheist? (Yes.) Should I pronounce a foreign perso...
This patterning of forenames, sex, gender, and Hispanic ethnicity was argued to be a reflection of boys being regarded as the key carriers of ethnic tradition and as less in need of protection against racial discrimination than were girls. Similarly in the United Kingdom, the Office for ...
We know what questions to ask, what language to remove and what steps to take. Let us walk you down the path of research so you can put an outdated, ineffective hiring system to rest. Applied is the essential platform for debiased hiring. Purpose-built to make hiring empirical and ...