Good verbal communication skills rely on the language you choose and how well you pronounce and enunciate your words. You will, of course, want to communicate in a language the listener understands and speaks clearly so there is less chance of misunderstandings. When you’re speaking, clear comm...
How to pronounce Here's one suggestion for how "" could sound when spoken aloud: Say Testimonials Here's some of what others are saying about Brandpa: Kohinur, India Absolutely smooth and professional way of doing business. I am quite surprised things like this ex...
How to Speak More Clearly to NaturallySpeaking Avoid skipping words. ... Speak long phrases or full sentences. ... Make sure you pronounce even small words like “a” and “the.” If, like most people, you normally pronounce the word “a” as “uh,” keep doing so. ... Avoid runnin...
How do you pronounce “nootropic” anyway? The term nootropic comes from two Greek words: nous, meaning mind or intelligence, and tropikos, meaning turning or changing. (That means that nootropic roughly translates to “mind-changing.”) Noo- sounds like “new,” and -tropic would rhyme with...
Also, if you’re not ABSOLUTELY POSITIVE how to pronounce a word, do not use it in your elevator speech. Ditto if you aren’t sure that you’re using it correctly. Writers often use words that they’ve never heard spoken aloud; most inveterate readers do. But do you really want the ...
The nurses in the pain clinic and the provider were very empathetic and understanding. When the nurse was checking me in the question was asked; If I had thoughts of suicide? I answered yes. I was in so much pain I wanted to die. I didn’t see the look on my husband’s face but...
But let’s talk truth: if this fella’s going to try to pronounce the alphabet, he’s also got to contend with the performance that truly dominates this space. The Alpha Precedent, the ORIGINAL alphabet vocalization, you know the one. It’s by that inimitable performer, Big Bird: ...
Studies showthat when someone has an easier-to-pronounce name, they are judged more favorably than someone with a harder-to-pronounce name. And while most studies on unconscious name bias focus on resumes and job applications, we can apply those lessons to buyer personas, as well. ...
Receiving tips is another great way to earn more withlesswork. That is, you’re in a call with the Member—who is either being charged by the minute or has prepaid ALREADY—and you get to earn more, through tips,WITHOUTdoing any extra work. ...
If how I pronounce things, my speech impediment, or if I say things in a certain order bother you then I am not the girl for you. Be kind. No matter how someone "appears,” we are all dealing with our own stuff. Love yourself, love others and let's end this stigma in the ...