ovič, that háček on the c literally meaning “pronounce this which a ch sound.” (So Strahd's dad should be named Zar? … Not a very Slavic name, that, but I bet they didn't realise that's they were writing a patronymic and just kinda made it up to sound “vampire-y.” ...
as cited in the Oxford Concise English Dictionary. (By the way, dear reader, if you already know the meaning of “onomatopoeic” in English, your English is pretty damn good. Certainly better than many native speakers. If you also know how to pronounce it, then you’...
Soak a washcloth in full strength liquid fabric softener. Wring out excess, then lay out to dry first before using–helps prevent staining garments the first time. When ready: toss in the dryer and use again and again until it no longer works. Resoak when needed (you should be able to ...
Slaanesh (Dark God dedicated to all things hedonistic. Not the be confused with avant-black metal outfit Schammasch) Tzeentch (Chaos God of change and evolution. No-one can even agree on how to pronounce his name, so Tzeentch is certainly not going to be confused with anything else anytime...
Uh-oh, Smug Scout has really digressed! Her seasonal malaise is surely causing her to focus excessive attention on mocking L.A. and idealizing Portsmouth. So be it. Still, she would not have wanted to be at the Portsmouth FM this weekend to witness an unspeakably un-Smug spectacle: smash...
Please don’t give your company its name by using your initials and please don’t call your product a name that no one can pronounce or spell. You would be wise to take some advice on the name game. Here’s a start: How to name your new product or business ...
This Galveston Train Rental is Ranked as a Top 13 Best Place to Stay We may have found a very unique vacation rental for your summer travels through Texas. Here are 28 of the Most Commonly Mispronounced Texas Town Names and How to Pronounce Them ...
During this time, some guy named Brett Favre (who's last name we didn't know how to pronounce) joined the team. He was exciting and fun to watch. There seemed to be a different feel to the game when he was on the field. It gave me something to enjoy that felt all my own while...
The first one I tried wasStar Trek: The Next Generation: Klingon Honor Guardand let me just say that my FPS SP gaming life nearly died on the exit of that little shuttle. All I remember about it, was this shuttle at the start of the game and the doors open and I had to get out...