美语发音:How to Pronounce "Farther" 2012-07-13 美语发音:How to Pronounce "Coffee" and "Copy" 2012-07-16 美语发音:How to Pronounce "Coke" 2012-07-17 美语发音:How to Pronounce "Clock" 2012-07-17关键字: 美语 发音 上一篇:美语发音:How to Pronounce 下一篇:美语发音:How to Pronounc 发布...
And I'm quite curious to note if these are the same kinds of mistakes that you make as well.So we'll focus on words with double vowels and how to pronounce them correctly.所以我们会侧重于有双元音的单词,以及如何正确地发音。让我们从这个开始吧。Let's start with this one here.Do you kn...
colleague[en] companion pronunciation companion[en] accomplice pronunciation accomplice[en] associate pronunciation associate[en] comrade pronunciation comrade[en] combine pronunciation combine[en] couple pronunciation couple[en] Can you pronounce it better? Or with a different accent?Pronounce mate in Engli...
The Golden Rule of relationships applies to online communication as equally as it does to in-person contact. Treat others with respect when you are composing an email reply to a frustrated customer or a confrontational colleague. Be mindful of how your responses, facial expressions, and body lang...
Smiling is important, even if you are just talking over the phone. People can tell when you are smiling by how you pronounce words. 7. Make eye contact via:Unsplash / NeONBRAND This can be a difficult task for thesocially awkward, but it’s an important one. If you’re meeting someone...
Jawatan Berkaitan Chinese Vocabulary 25+ Essential Chinese Internet Slang Terms on Xiaohongshu Chinese Vocabulary Understanding 应该,必须,一定: Three Ways to Express “Should” and “Must” in Chinese Chinese Vocabulary Terms about Love in Chinese...
It's a common question for those learning English: how do I say my name in English? Whether you're a native speaker of another language or just curious about the pronunciation of your own name, understanding how to pronounce it correctly in English can be essential ...
Define and pronounce the term ~'quinceañera.~' Explore words related to aspects of the Spanish ~'quinceañera~' celebration, including attire, entourage, and activities. Related to this Question How do you say sir in Spanish? How do you say ladies and gentlemen in Spanish?
'Part-time job' is translated astravail à temps partiel(pronounced: trah-VAHY ah tahn pahr-SYEHL) oremploi à temps partiel(pronounce... Learn more about this topic: French Office Vocabulary from Chapter 11/ Lesson 4 6.5K As an adult, you may spend most of your weekdays at the offi...
"I have a very unusual name, which gets pronounced in all sorts of interesting ways. I'm always grateful when people make an attempt to pronounce it, even if it's incorrect. "While I used to feel awkward correcting people, I've come to realise that nobody is a mind reader and since...