going to come out of it with little to show but a dent in their bank balances. The pickup artist scene is a house of self-myth. I’ve got a cold, so it’s a little hard for me to pronounce things apparently. Is it true that this is a self-myth that we are selling customers?
Pete asks Zade how to pronounce her name: “Yep, like ‘aide’ but add a Z.” I grinned; I appreciated it immensely when people took the time to learn how to say my name properly. I hated it when people called me “Zaad” or something like that, which sounded more like a car or...
不然 会怎样呢 I now pronounce you, man and wife. 我现在宣布 你们结成夫妻 I love you. 我爱你 I used to be a dude. 我曾经是个男人 Yeah, I agree with Ted. 对 我同意泰德的想法 In a real relationship, you share everything. 在真正的恋爱中 彼此分享所有的事情 Thats why Marshall and I...