he introduced me to Ahmet Bey That to the right, the Rue de la Kasbah, opens into a small square (Suk-el-Islam or Place de ]a Kasbah), on the left of which is the Dar-el-Bey (palace of the bey), while beyond it rise the walls of the citadel. In the 18th century, in co...
How would you pronounce Kristalina Georgieva? The first name of the managing director of the IMF is easy enough for English speakers. The second is another matter entirely. For years, I have heard people pronounce it with one and often two soft Gs, like the sound of the ‘s’ in measure...
even though i can buy something that looks pretty much the same for 5 bucks. we still go to listen to my favorite jazz musicians live, even though they can be emulated. an ai system is not the same experience. you recently received an honor from president macron that i can't pronounce...
a monk from Venice. Although an effort to climb, it is indeed worth it. A network of footpaths leads you through peaceful parkland to the historic citadel resting at the top of the hill. From up there, you can see all of Budapest. On the way up, you will see a memorial statue...
If you don’t pronounce Machu Picchu correctly (mah-choo pee-choo) it sounds like “old penis” in Quechuan (most of us are guilty of this phonetic atrocity). GUATEMALA AND PERU: FINDING THE PLOT If you’re walking up to Machu Picchu, you must go with a guided group. ...