Kendall Jenner Suits Up in a Chocolatey Leather Kylie Jenner Nails the Office Siren Trend Kylie Jenner Twins with Amelia Gray in Brat Green A Thirsty Timeline of Travis and Kourtney’s ’Ship Khloé Opens Up About Her Face Tumor Journey ...
a. a moderate to deep brown colour b. (as adjective): a chocolate carpet. [C17: from Spanish, from Aztec xocolatl, from xococ sour, bitter + atl water] ˈchocolaty, ˈchocolatey adj Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 19...
Kenji noted that many people forget that there's just as much science in cooking a steak or a hamburger as there is in cooking something flashy and full of unpronounceable ingredients. Just because you don't happen to have sodium citrate at home (more on that later) doesn't mean you ca...