Whenever you’re conversing or speaking to a group make sure to address clearly and not to maunder. Be clear in the words you pronounce and also see to it that others realized what you read. When you’re necessitated to repeat your saying makes it in a safer manner. A clear and perfec...
When Sun enters Hasta, it is time to rain in Bihar; this is popularly called‘Hathiya’rain. By this time rain withdraws from rest of North India. When Sun enters Chitra, it causes occasional rains, South West rains have also withdrawn by this time. Monsoon season is from Rahu nakshatra...
First, she pronounces it as “Guhleeb,” which, while we’ll forgive our white brothers and sisters for accenting, is uncharacteristic of someone who’s lived in South Asia all their life. Secondly, as Twitter pointed out quickly like it always does, the great Urdu poet who was born in...