It's a name that evokes images of emperors, armies, and countless untold stories etched into its ancient stones. So, when you pronounce "The Great Wall," remember you're not just uttering a few words; you're invoking a rich and complex history. To further improve...
The best way to learn how to speak Japanese is to listen to the spoken language and try to imitate the way native speakers say and pronounce words. A non-native speaker who focuses too much on the spelling or writing of Japanese without taking into account the pronunciation will have difficu...
Learn the simple rules forSpanish accent marksand what they stress (which sounds are emphasized in a word). Depending on how you pronounce a word, it may have a different meaning. For example,mendigo(accent on the second to the last syllable) means “beggar,” butméndigo(accent on the se...
and improving. Don’t worry about mastering pronunciation at the beginning. We cannot pronounce what we don’t hear. Your brain may need hundreds or even thousands of hours of listening to “recalibrate” to the sounds and cadence of Mandarin. To learn Chinese, speak without fear and trust ...
Adopting these sounds yourself will quickly add a flair of fluency to your French. Using French filler words will also: keep you in “French mode” when speaking. give your French speech native-like cadence and rhythm. cue native speakers to continue speaking to you in French. b. Use study...
Effective speaking means bringing together a range of different skills to communicate and make an impact. At the very least, you need to find the right words, put them in the proper order, and pronounce them correctly so that you can be understood. Other aspects like emphasis, cadence, and...
I had a very shaming experience from an event planner who sent me an email after an event, really ridiculing me for how I mispronounced Pema Chodron’s name and said that if I was going to call myself an academic or a thought leader, I should at least have the respect to pronounce ...
Whether we like it or not, we make instant judgements about the people around us every day. This is called unconscious bias. Here’s what it is and how to tackle it.
Choose a .com, .org, or .net.These are the easiest ones for people to remember. Easy to spell and pronounce.You don’t want to spell it out constantly for people when you mention your blog’s domain. Avoid numbers and hyphens. Not only does it look clunky in the URL, it’s also...
Is it easy to spell, pronounce, and remember? Got an idea? Pop it into one of our formulas to finalize your podcast name: Formula #1: The [Ideal Listener] Podcast In this formula, you’ll focus your podcast name around the ideal listener. This is the best way to attract the right li...