How to Pronounce Difficult Wine and Grape Names Agiorgitiko Ah-yore-yee-tee-ko Amarone Ah-mah-ROH-nay Assyrtiko A-SEAR-tee-ko Cabernet Sauvignon Cab-er-nay-saw-vee-nyon Fumé Blanc Pwee-foo-may-blahn Gewürztraminer Geh-VAIRTZ-trah-mee-ner Grenache Gruh-NOSH Grüner Veltliner GREW-ner...
My latest pronunciation tip lets you in on a couple of things in Polish you’ve probably wondered about. Now you’ll know how to pronounce the name of the city Łódź – and Wrocław and Kraków, while you’re at it. And as an added bonus you’ll know whywis called “double u...
Especially, those of us that like red wines benefit by it’s ability to go with foods. Sangiovese Wines (Chianti) There are many districts in Tuscany that make Sangiovese wines. There are strict laws regarding grape percentages that are followed. Pronounce it sahn-gee-oh-VAY-zay. Zinfandel ...
Considered a noble wine in Alsace, Gewurztraminer (geh-VAIRTZ-trah-mee-ner) has the distinction of being one of the easiest wines to recognize and the hardest to spell and pronounce. It is spectacularly fragrant, with heady scents of lychee nut, rose petal, apricot, pear, and clovelike sp...
法国的葡萄产区,除了波尔多的左岸外,还有生产优质红酒的右岸产区,包括波美侯(Pomerol)及圣埃米利翁(St Emilion)。而位于法国北部,就是不少朋友也喜爱 的香槟之乡─香槟区。此外,法国中部的布根地(勃艮第),隆河丘(Cotes du Rhone),保祖利(Beaujolais)等也是具有独特风土的葡萄产区。虽然以上产区同样位于法国,但由于...
Learn to pronounce the names of writers with non-English names. For example, Proust is pronounced “Proost,” to rhyme with “roost.” 4 Love and appreciate other cultures. You don’t have to leave your city to learn to appreciate other cultures, though traveling is a great way to improve...