But if I pronounce the German word with an English diphthong, it might get easier to hear the difference. sayle, seele, sayle, seele. Learning to hear the two vowels in your diphthongs can help out a lot in figuring out a new language’s sounds. [ju/ isn’t exactly a diphthong. It...
Kylie Jenner is setting the record straight on how to pronounce the name of her and Travis Scott’s son. A few hours after "The Kardashians” star finally revealed on Instagram thather son’s name is Aire Webster, she returned to the platform on Jan. 21 to clarify the pronunciation. Afan...
Learn how to remove blemishes, red-eye, and other defects in Photoshop by retouching. How ToUse jojoba oil to cure chapped skin and lips, dry hair, and ragged cuticles When it comes to beauty products, we live and die by this mantra: If a second grader can't pronounce the ingredients...
How to Say "Hello" in 100+ Languages How to Say "You" in Japanese Japanese Lesson: How to say "Me/I" in Japanese How to Say Goodbye in Italian
所属专辑:How to Learn English Quickly 喜欢下载分享 声音简介 本期主题:英语的俚语真有必要学吗? 一、简介: ·专辑: How to Learn English Quickly ·主题: 北美主播跟你聊聊如何学英语(全英) ·排名: 喜马FM - 外语频道No4 ·主播: Vanessa ·国家: U.S.A. 二、目录:用户...
A group of frogs were traveling through the forest,but unluckily two of them fell into a hole.The other frogs tried to help them.When they saw how the hole was,they cried to the two frogs that they could not be saved.The two frogs didn’t and tried their best to jump up out of ...
There are a few parts to this. Reading expressively involves your voice, your eyes and your facial expression and sometimes your whole body too. It’s about the way you pronounce the words but it’s also about the pauses, the rhythm of your voice as you read and the way you emphasize...
About Otay - how to pronounce it. . My fish-board name is otay michael You pronounce the 'tay' part like 'tie', as in O-tie, accent on the o, it's Spanish, the lake I grew up fishing close to the Mexican border in South San Diego. Used to bike the 10 miles out and ...
When cutting flowers, don’t remove more than half of the blooms and make sure to leave enough stem (with at least 3 or 4 leaves) on the plant. Hint: Remove dead blooms in spring/early summer but wait to cut peony bushes to the ground until after the first frost. For longer lasting...
Miss Bossy Boots in my kitchen. We're a good team! Next winetasting is June 10th at 3pm. You are all invited. TODAY'S FRENCH PHRASE: mener à la baguette : to boss, to boss around, to rule with a rod of iron ECOUTER--Hear these French words spoken by Jea