So what happens is that the back of the tongue goes up to produce the "g" sound, you block the air in the back with voice.所以,舌头的后部上升来发出“g”音,发声时你挡住了后面的气流。And then as you pronounce the "g", the tongue goes up to the middle of the mouth, preparing ...
SowhenIaskmystudentswhattheywanttoachieve, alotofthemsay, "Iwanttohaveabiggervocabulary." So, growingyourvocabularyisessentialforfeelingmoreconfidentandfluentinEnglish.所以当我问我的学生他们想要达到什么目标时,他们中的很多人说,“我想拥有更多的词汇。”所以,增加你的词汇量对于自信和流利地说英语至关重要。
So, in the dictionary when you're looking at a word, sometimes they will actually have the way to pronounce it and they will show you the International Phonetic Alphabet pronunciation. So this is a tool that can help you with your pronunciation. Okay? So, this is the symbol for the "...
Lips start in a bigger flare, more relaxed, before moving into the tighter circle. Look at how much the corners of the lips come in for this sound. Now let’s take a look at the word ‘do’. Remember, we don’t want to start with the lips in a tight circle, but in a more re...
2掌握下列知识点:重点词汇:pronounce,spoken,mistake,forget,challenge,solution,find,join重点短语:make mistakes get the pronunciation righta lot ofget much writing practice spoken English practice speaking English重点句型: I dont know how to use commas Why dont you join an English language club to ...
6. It’s a good idea to spell and pronounce new words aloud every day. 每天拼写和大声读出新单词是个好主意。 7. How/What about listening to the radio?听收音机怎么样? 8. Watching films and listening to songs are great ways to learn English. 看电影和听歌是学英语的好方法。
“It did take him a bit of time to learn to pronounce my name, but he was always apologetic when he said it wrong, and always insisted on the importance of getting such things right. He was easily the most inspirational and challenging teacher I’ve had…he just insisted that every ...
To pronounce this sound, remember that /æ/ sound I mentioned earlier where you slightly spread your lips and put your tongue down /æ/. Now, I want you to slide your tongue back and open your mouth even bigger but keep it down, /ɑː/, /ɑː/, "can't complain". "Yeah, ...
55. I don’t know how to pronounce the words. I need to improve my ___(发音). 56. We are all born with the ___(能力) to learn. 57. They’re good friends. They have some things in ___(共同). 58. It’s a good way to improve your ___ (英语口语). 59. He h...
It built a financial bridge from fans’ credit cards straight to the bank accounts of creators. The bigger OnlyFans became, the more its reputation was associated with a porn revival and the more nervous banks got moving its money around the world. So nervous, one bank even stopped providing ...