Let´s have a look into the junk box. Wow…a lot of old H0-tracks made of metal and made by the famous german model railroad producer Märklin. Time to create a retro-style Micro layout. “Schnakenhoern” (ok…hard to pronounce for non-german speakers…sounds like “Shnukenhearn”...
After your tongue is fully relaxed, the next step is to put it in the right position. Try to pronounce “duh” and remember where the tip of your tongue is. Your tongue should be behind your front teeth. Thenput and raise the middle part of your tongue towards the roof of your mouth...
Why is it important to know how to say hello in Italian?The greeting is the first word or phrase we use when we meet someone. One smile and a kind word go a long way, even in Italy. Imagine you are going to a restaurant in Naples, the home of pizza, to try a traditional slice ...