Really simple domain names that are easy to pronounce, easy to spell, and easy to write are better than long complicated ones. And while a fun spelling of a word can be unique, this blogging mistake may also mean that people have trouble finding your site in the future. Avoid using ...
spark怎么读英语发音spark怎么读音发音 一、Spark概述 spark官网 Spark是用的大规模数据处理的统一计算引擎,它是为大数据处理而设计的快速通用的计算引擎。spark诞生于加油大学伯克利分校AMP实验室。 mapreduce(MR)与spark的对比: 1.MR在计算中产生的结果存储在磁盘上,spark存储在内存中; 2.磁盘运行...