Okay, as I said, this is quite an advanced pronunciation lesson, but I absolutely recommend that you keep watching, even if you don't consider yourself an advanced student because understanding how sounds influence each other and change in spoken English will allow you to be aware of it.It ...
To pronounce this sound, remember that /æ/ sound I mentioned earlier where you slightly spread your lips and put your tongue down /æ/. Now, I want you to slide your tongue back and open your mouth even bigger but keep it down, /ɑː/, /ɑː/, "can't complain". "Yeah, ...
Absolutely. Etsy is a unique online marketplace that successfully connects sellers and buyers worldwide.Even with listing and transaction fees, a small business owner can transform their side-hustle to a thriving income source. If you want to explore other platforms, check out theseEtsy alternatives...
No one likes to sit and stare at the screen trying to remember the name of the website. A brand that is not pronounceable and retrievable won’t be remembered. 4. Pick the right extension A domain extension is the part of the URL that comes after the punctuation, like .com, .net,...
Andonewhichimmediatelycametomymindwasthissituationwherelotsofpeoplepronounce "genuinely" as "generally" whenthey'retalking.我马上想到这个词,很多人在说话的时候把 genuinely 发音为 generally。Andthisisasimplemistakewhichpeoplemakealot.这是一个人们经常犯的简单错误。Thewordsaredifferent, ofcourse. "Genuinely" ...
Listening as well as speaking is absolutely necessary for clear communication.Good communication is not as easy as it appears.It takes hard work and years of practice. 听和说一样都是有效沟通绝对必须的手段。良好的沟通没有看起来那么容易,它需要艰苦的努力和多年的训练。 Thank you for being here an...
Nvidia is absolutely central to the graphics industry now essentially dominates it.Nvidia 在图形行业中占据绝对核心地位,目前基本上占据主导地位。But when it first got going, it was just one of dozens of companies that had the same bright idea.但在最初起步时,它只是数十家拥有同样好想法的公司之一...
Margaret:Yeah, whatever. If that’s even the way to pronounce it but who cares? It’s a French heirloom, I think, as well. It’s a very traditional beloved crop. K:It is. Sometimes you’ll hear it called Griselle. Margaret:Griselle. Right, right, right. Of course. You gave us ...
Absolutely right, Kun Adam Hi Hana. It just takes practice. When you learn a new word, look in the dictionary how to pronounce it. Adam Hello Mr. First of all i want to make it clear that im really amazed by your works there and really glad . God -willing i can use this chance...
People from all different countries will use these phrases to ask for help. Firstly, let's take a look at the word "help".来自不同国家的人都会用这些短语来寻求帮助。首先,让我们看看 help 这个词。I think it's important that we know how to pronounce it. The first thing we need to look...