Teaching English pronunciation is a challenging task with different objectives at each level. This guide on how to teach pronunciation provides a short overview of the main issues to be addressed at each level, as well as pointing to resources on the site, such as lesson plans and activities, ...
Want to be more confident talking on the phone in English? In this lesson, I teach you common expressions you can use at the end of a phone call. You will learn how to leave and take messages. By learning these key expressions, youll become more comforta
Teach her The “Pronounce for Spelling” Technique. Discuss with her that while she says “thum” all the time, the word is actually “them” and she needs to remember to say “them” when she is spelling. One extra help for train. Never in English does R follow the /ch/ sound. ...
It’s true that most of us find it somewhat difficult to understand what native speakers say as the native speakers pronounce words quickly and together. So, we’re not able to understand the dialogue of English movies. Their accent is so fast that we can’t grasp what they say. But we...
Even if you study abroad in a country that speaks a language you are fluent in, you are guaranteed to use different expressions and pronounce words differently. Studying abroad will teach you how to read your audience, searching their face for cues that you've said something incomprehensible, ...
A more appropriate word to use would be‘rarely’. Although many non-native speakers do find this a tricky word to pronounce! Ok, so we can see some words are going out of date rapidly. However, this means new words are entering our language at an unprecedented rate including the words;...
The Nutmeg State definitely has it's shortcomings but I'm not totally certain she deserves all these slings and arrows. If you want to read angry messages about CT, one of the best places to go is Twitter.
I’m changing my screen name from DR, which isn’t really pronounceable and which I keep forgetting anyway. Agricola was the father-in-law of Tacitus, whom the historian put forth as proof of the possibility of being an honorable man in the dishonorable age of the emperor Domitian. Posted...