That’s right, you don’t have to shell out hundreds of dollars on advertising to get results. In this post, I’ll share how to take advantage of the enormous scope offered by the digital world and use a variety of platforms and techniques to popularize your eBook. Let’s get started!
However, thanks to its giant audience, Amazon can still work well as an avenue to promote your brand. If you plan to sell ebooks to attract shoppers to your other products and services, consider offering your first ebook for free for a period of time. This will help you garner some ...
If you are a self-published eBook author looking for more places to promote your work, we created a long list of sites that will feature digital books for free. Check it out at this link:“Are you struggling to promote your self-published digital book? Thanks to the Kindle Boards, we ...
libraries chould provide both physical information resources and digital information resources at the same time.The author shares his experiences for ebook promotion in the library,and the many good ways ...
Here’s the thing: don’t use your email list to promote eBooks or any other products aggressively. Email marketing is all about permission marketing. You shouldn’t spam others email inboxes with your sales pitches. In fact, you should do less selling and more helping. ...
When you go to promote your latest book, submit it to all of them. You’re bound to get one or two that accepts your submission. I go over six-figure freelance writing strategies in myhigh-income copywriting courseif you’re interested, as well. ...
How to Promote and Monetize Your eBook in WordPress Choosing Which Blog Content to Use in Your Ebook Your first job is to decide which blog posts should be included in your ebook. If your blog is about a certain topic orniche, then you may just need to find your most popular blog posts...
Facebook, on the other hand, is not a “book advertising platform” — i.e. a platform dedicated exclusively to books. However, it can be used just as effectively to promote your book. If you’ve never run Facebook ads — you guessed it — we havea free coursefor that, too. ...
“street team”: a group of people willing to help promote your book and give you feedback. Try to recruit your most loyal readers, author friends, and avid consumers of your author newsletter. You can create a private group on Facebook to organize and provide updates to your street team...
If you want to publish on Amazon KDP, make sure your ebook is in a format Amazon accepts (like EPUB or TXT). You can convert PDFs to these formats online. 8. Promote your ebook Creating and publishing your ebook is just half of the battle. The other is promoting your work. Here ...