Solved: Hello, NXP engineers. On our development board, we are trying to burn the iMX93 M33 core program to eMMC using the UUU tool. however, there
This problem would haunt almost the entire first generation of devices that wanted to do so until mobile CPUs become more powerful (or until Palm came up with its “Graffiti” input method which simplifies the problem from recognizing any handwriting to recognizing exactly one handwriting that the ...
I followed your directions in the video to the T and this is all I get…. Killing ADB Server… OK Starting ADB Server… * daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 * * daemon started successfully * OK Waiting for device… I have a Motorola Droid running FRG22D (2.2 obviously)...
Over the life of the Macintosh line of computers, three different families of processors have been used. First there was the 68K family from Motorola, which was used during the first 10 years of the Mac. Then, in 1994, Apple switched to the PowerPC family, designed jointly by Apple, Mot...