1. An Autel TPMS tool; or often with 2. Rapid inflation/deflation of the tire (5 PSI or 20 kPa in 10 seconds) 3. OEM sensors on 2003 and older vehicles, may be activated when a magnet is placed over the sensor valve stem.
1. Use an Autel tool to activate sensors, read accompanying tire and sensor information and scan for trouble codes 2. Depending on the detected TPMS code, repair or replace the damaged part/s. Codes may reference a faulty TPMS module, receiver, actuator, tire pressure sensor or circuit ...
The Autel TS508 diagnostic TPMS service tool (check price) is alsovery easy to use and delivers accurate results.You will have two service modes to pick from quick mode and advanced mode.With this TPMS Toolunit, you will be able to perform tasks such as readingTPMS sensors,program sensors,...
If so, if someone wants to write to the program for module, how can they write the program right the first time?:smileyconfused: 0 Kudos Reply 07-19-2018 12:11 AM 3,448 Views abarnic_co Contributor III I have a Autel TS508 TPMS Reader as Receiver Im looking for ...