Melanin is produced in specialized cells called melanocytes, but these do not behave in the same way for all people. Some people naturally produce less melanin, which means less pigment and lighter skin. Other people possess fewer melanocytes than normal, which also results in less overall pigment...
Topical steroidscome as a cream or ointment you apply to your skin. They can sometimes stop the spread of the white patches and may restore some of your original skin colour. A topical steroid may be prescribed to adults if: you have non-segmental vitiligo on less than 10% of your body....
This is because hyperpigmentation is (most often) caused by UV exposure. Ysee, UV stimulates the pigment cells (melanocytes) in our epidermis to start making melanin. This is what causes suntans (sooo’80s) but also hyperpigmentation. Another terrific reason to not to hang out in the sun. ...
While all skin types and tones can deal with scarring, reducing their appearance can be even more difficult for darker complexions as their skin naturally contains more melanin. Because pigmentation occurs deep beneath the layers of the skin, it can take 1-2 months to fade discoloration. Deeper...
There is no treatment for vitiligo, but you can follow a few natural remedies on how to prevent vitiligo from spreading naturally to remove chalk white patches or spots from your skin. 1. Reduce Stress This is the first one of the ways on how to prevent vitiligo from spreading naturally th...
rays from the sun. Our bodies produce extra melanin when we're exposed to sunlight, which is why peopletanunder the sun (or get burned). Light-skinned people have a greater tendency to get sunburned than dark-skinned people, as they don't have as much of the ray-absorbing melanin. ...
Follicles that producecurly hairare asymmetrical and curved and lie at an angle to the surface of the skin. This kinks the hair as it first grows. The asymmetry of thehair folliclealso causes the keratin to bunch up on one side of the hair strand. This pulls parts of the hair strand cl...
Tretinoin is a type of retinoid that occurs naturally and has been suggested to be effective in treating dark spots caused by sun damage.¹¹ Using lower concentrations of tretinoin in creams or gels can help minimize side effects like dryness, irritation, or peeling. There are also other ...
Young people’sskinnaturally containsceramidesthat produce a moist, plump, wrinkle-free appearance. Oralceramideshave grown in popularity because people feel the moist suppleness of youthful skin return within a short time after taking one small capsule each day. ...
My inspiration usually comes [from] what I am naturally doing in life at the time. For instance, my most viewed video is my straight hair routine. I figured, I was going to straighten my hair anyway, why not record it and help someone else out that may need some guidance? I say all...