To make your profile private, go to your profile and selectEdit Details. Toggle off the info you want to keep private. This article explains how to change your Facebook privacy settings to make your posts, Friends list, profile information, and albums private. Instructions are specific to Face...
If you wish to hide your sensitive information like your phone number, date of birth, or other details from even your friends and wish to make your account as private as possible then you do so from the Privacy Checkup page. Let’s take a look at how it works on the Facebook app an...
Users of the popular social network may have several reasons why they would want to also download private videos, so it makes a lot of sense for us to talk about ways to get the job done. Bear in mind that downloading private Facebook videos is not as straightforward when compared to pub...
And that can go a step further, you may want a Facebook account just so you can check in with funny pages and see what your local news looks like, and you may prefer it if no one could access your profile. And it’s surprisingly easy to make your Facebook account private, it only...
How to Make Facebook Private with Limited list In the event that you would prefer not to un-companion someone yet additionally don’t need them to see the entirety of your information, you can add them to the Restricted List. This implies they can see your public information. Yet, they ...
For email, you can a use reasonably private email provider (FastMail,MyKolab,Riseup). To fully encrypt your emails you can useThunderbirdwithEnigmailandGnuPG(please note that your email receipted must use encrypted email too, for this to work). ...
HOW PRIVATE IS FACEBOOK?The article focuses on the controversy over security of personal information and privacy on online social networking web site Facebook.Junior Scholastic
How to Access Facebook in China (3 Methods) The easiest, most secure and reliable way of circumventing the Great Firewall to access Facebook in China is by using a VPN or “Virtual Private Network” (here’s anupdated list of my recommended VPNs). ...
Think of things you may have done to access services without getting extra content in the past; things like taking your phone number out of the book, using a P.O. box instead of a street address, or setting up a junk email. Learning how to make your Facebook private is kind of like...
Download Private Facebook Videos Ethically If you use one of these tools to download private Facebook videos, please do so ethically. Remember, if a person has made a video private, it's probably for a good reason. It might contain personal data, sensitive information, or other compromising ...