The Python while loop can be used to execute a block of code for as long as a certain condition is fulfilled. While loops are primarily used in Python when the number of iterations can’t be determined at the time of writing the code. Keep reading to find out how the Python while ...
Python comes with two inbuilt keywords to interrupt loop iteration,breakandcontinue. Break Keyword In While loop The break keyword immediately terminates the while loop. Let's add a break statement to our existing code, x =1while(x<=3):print(x) x = x +1ifx ==3:breakelse:print("x is...
Computer programs are great to use for automating and repeating tasks so that we don’t have to. One way to repeat similar tasks is through usingloops. We’ll be covering Python’swhile loopin this tutorial. Awhileloop implements the repeated execution of code based on a givenBooleancondition...
Python is a flexible and versatile programming language that can be leveraged for many use cases, with strengths in scripting, automation, data analysis, mac…
Print the First 10 Prime Numbers in Python Using a While Loop Here, let me show you two methods to print the first 10 prime numbers using a while loop in Python. Method 1: Basic While Loop with Prime Check Function This method uses a while loop to iterate through numbers and a helper...
Loops facilitate programmers to iterate over a block of code at every iteration, in Python we can iterate over objects with eitherWhile loopor For loop. In this article, we will guide you through the construction of For loop in Python. ...
In Python, there is not C like syntax for(i=0; i<n; i++) but you use for in n. They can be used to iterate over a sequence of a list, string, tuple, set, array, data frame. Given a list of elements, for loop can be used to iterate over each item in that list and ...
print("Reversed number: ", reverse_number(number)) In this code, the Python functionreverse_numberuses a while loop to continuously divide the input number by 10 (using floor division to remove the last digit) and append the last digit (found using modulus operation) toreversed_number. ...
Print Lists in Python Using for loop Using join() function Using the sep parameter in print() Convert a list to a string for display Using map() function Using list comprehension Using Indexing and slicing Using the * Operator Using the pprint Module Using for loop Printing a list in Py...
Theexec()function provides an alternative way to run your scripts from inside your code: Python >>>withopen("")ashello:...exec(, World! In this example, you use thewithstatementto open thehello.pyfile for reading. Then, you read the file’s content with...