Make sure you know which side your printer prints on when a paper is inserted. These transparencies have only one printable side. On the bright side, you’ll know if you got it wrong before applying to wood as the ink will be runny. The correct side to print on has slightly raised bum...
4.A Inkjet printer(In this tutorial I use GSK products’ Epson 252 Ink Cartridge to print my photo, that can be bought on their website at You can pick a piece of wood up at craft store, and the wax paper you can get at the grocery store and another trick t...
2. Find a digital picture that you would like to have printed for the space. If you are having a large print made, make sure it is a good quality picture to prevent the image from being grainy. 3. Get a copy of the picture printed on canvas. I used Make...
What materials do I need to make a DIY picture frame? To start, you will need: Wooden strips or moldingfor the frame itself. Sandpaperto smooth the wood. Wood glueorepoxyfor bonding. Small, strong magnetsif you’re making a magnetic frame. ...
Repurpose materials like wrapping paper, fabric, or even clothes to tell a story in your flat lays. Chalkboards allow you to personalize your photos with words and drawings. For a rustic feel, use wooden surfaces or imitation wood like vinyl flooring or wallpaper. ...
If you want to print a really large photo (such as a canvas to hang on your wall like the one shown above) you’ll have to print at an even lower quality. However, this kind of picture is usually viewed from a distance, and the further away you’re standing from the picture, the...
01. Understand the big picture Knowing how to shoot a good photo and arming yourself with the necessary tools are essential preliminaries—but there’s another crucial step to take prior to snapping pictures: develop an overarching product photo strategy. ...
1. First you need a way to hold all of the signatures together. The easiest way is to use a couple of pieces of wood and a vice. You could also just use a couple of clamps and some wood as well. 2. Line-up all of the signatures so the spines are even. Before you glue, make...
wood glue clamps sand paper or orbital sander Directions for DIY picture ledge: Cut boards to width using table saw. Cut to length with miter box. You will need three pieces, front piece, back piece and bottom piece. Our front piece is 60” long, 1-5/8” wide and 3/4” thick....
If scanning isn’t an option or your artwork is too textured or three-dimensional, taking a high-resolution photograph is the next best step. The goal is to capture your art in the best light and from the right angle to ensure the picture is as close to the original....