The longest that sperm can survive in fertile cervical mucus is 5-7 days. So, it may just be possible for women to get pregnant if they ovulate a little earlier than usual. A woman may also get pregnant just after a period if she has an irregular cycle. Table: Typical menstrual cycles...
Within just a few minutes after ejaculation, sperm begin to invade a very thick fluid (called cervical mucus) that is pouring out of the cervix. The sperm must be able to invade the cervix via the cervical mucus by virtue of their own swimming ability. Nothing about the sexual a...
Luteal phase.Once the egg leaves your ovary, it travels down your fallopian tube toward your uterus to wait for sperm. At the same time, your uterine lining begins thickening. This will help the egg implant there for pregnancy if it's fertilized. If egg and sperm don't meet within 12 t...
Are there any benefits to period sex? The rumors are true:Period sex can reduce menstrual cramps.When you orgasm, your pelvic muscles contract and release, which can help alleviate cramping. Besides that, the samebenefits you usually get from sex— pleasure, stress relief, bonding with your pa...
Some boys may experience ejaculation of sperm in their sleep, known as wet dreams. These are totally normal occurrences and usually stop happening as a boy grows older. The only action needed is a little clean-up, especially if the boy is uncircumcised, to prevent infection from general lack...
There's no way to prevent an ectopic pregnancy. But you can lower your odds with certain lifestyle choices. You can: Use acondomwhen you have sex. This can lower your risk for pelvic inflammatory disease and sexually transmitted infections. ...
If your body senses there’s something amiss, it does what it needs to do to help ensure its survival – and that can include putting the brakes on ovulation in order to prevent a pregnancy that it doesn’t have the necessary energy to sustain....
While you can have sex after taking Plan B One-Step, it is important to use a back-up method to prevent pregnancy from occurring. Plan B One-Step is only meant to be taken one time after having unprotected sex. Having unprotected sex after taking Plan B One-Step could mean sperm might...
Progestins prevent pregnancy in the following ways: Inhibiting ovulation by reducing the release of GnRH from the hypothalamus and release of FSH and LH from the pituitarygland Thickening thecervicalmucus, hindering the passage ofsperminto the uterus ...
Estrogens/progestins work by binding to estrogen and progesterone receptors, protein molecules in cells that respond to these hormones. Estrogens/progestins medications interfere with the functions of endogenous estrogen and progesterone to control excessive bleeding, prevent pregnancy, and relieve menopausal...