Some people respond to acupuncture. What medicine makes motion sickness go away? Can you cure motion sickness? Most people with motion sickness can prevent it by taking medications that you put on the skin. Most drugs used to treat motion sickness can help prevent it, but they cannot be cure...
and this device sends a prescribed amount of air pressure through a mask worn over the mouth and nose to keep your airway open and prevent sleep apnea snores. A CPAP machine is used mainly for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), though it could be used in select cases of CSA....
Caffeineconsumed even six hours before bed canmake it difficult to fall asleepbecause it blocks the hormone adenosine, which promotes sleepiness. The consistent overconsumption of calories can lead to weight gain, one of thestrongest predictors of obstructive sleep apnea. Having excess w...
Do you find it hard to stay awake while driving, eating meals or engaging in social activities? If so, you are probably sleep-deprived, a very common experience among Americans today. Sleepiness is akin to thirst or hunger, pointing to one of the body抯 essential needs. Sleep is now...
“Eating healthier carbohydrates can help prevent a host of chronic conditions, especially diabetes, but it can also ward off heart disease and various cancers,”Harvard Healthsays. The occasional high-GI meal that fosters good sleep is probably nothing much to be concerned about, but relying on...
After using cold water to splash on your face, to make this cold water therapy even more efficient, you should stand in front of the cold draft from an air conditioner. You can even take a cool shower every morning after waking up for driving out the sleepiness and improving your blood ...
a standing desk instead of a chair is one option. Use a fan to circulate the air or turn on the air conditioning. If the temperature is too warm, you may become sleepy. A too-quiet environment can also contribute to sleepiness. Try turning on music to introduce sound to your ...
As we explained earlier, your sleep patterns are influenced by the presence of sunlight. Our brains stop producing the sleep hormonemelatoninwhen we’reexposed to lightand begin production again when it’s dark to induce sleepiness. This light effect is also why we recommend shutting off electroni...
However, electronic devices emit blue light that can interfere with the production of melatonin, a hormone that promotes sleepiness. This can make falling asleep more difficult. Instead of using screens, try reading a book or listening to calming music. Drinking alcohol helps you sleep better ...
However, in some cases — like if your first alarm wakes you during very deep sleep — hitting the snooze a few times may actually help you get to a lighter sleep stage before you get up, which can lessen sleep inertia (the feeling of sleepiness right after you wake up). (1) (19)...