While new home construction averages $150 per square foot, that doesn’t include the land or ancillary costs, such as hooking up to utilities, drainage, or grading, which could add up to $200,000 for a flat lot. It’s important to pay close attention to those ancillary costs. For exam...
The removal of septic waste by cleaning the septic tank is a critical step in septic system care as it extends the life of the septic field. Even if you don't care how septic systems work you need to know when to clean the septic tank by pumping out septic waste. Using the septic ta...
Case report €" We describe a 3580 g male baby, who underwent aspiration and drainage on the fifth day after admission to our Unit for septic arthritis of the right knee. After the surgical drainage of the joint, local signs of inflammation began to improve. Microbiological ...
SepticarthritisSurgicaldrainageObjective -- We present a case of osteoarthritis in a ten day old newborn who underwent aspiration and drainage on the fifth day after admission instead of on the first day. The aim of this case report is to describe the importance of a team approach and ...