Hydrogen peroxide isn't only effective for whitening teeth -- in fact, theCDC saysthat 3% hydrogen peroxide was able to inactivate rhinovirus within 8 minutes. When you pour the substance directly on surfaces like your sink, countertops or toilets, you'll need to let it soak for around...
The common cold refers to a group of symptoms caused by viruses. Rhinoviruses cause the most cases of the common cold, and more than 200 different viruses have been identified that cause cold symptoms. Colds are most often spread from one person to another via close personal contact, such as...
Cough is a protective reflex to prevent aspiration and can be triggered by a multitude of stimuli. The commonest form of cough is caused by upper respiratory tract infection and has no benefit to the host. The virus hijacks this natural defence mechanism in order to propagate itself through ...
G. Detection of rhinovirus, respiratory syncytial virus, and coronavirus infections in acute otitis media by reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction. Pediatrics 102, 291–295 (1998). Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Rohwedder, A. et al. Detection of respiratory syncytial virus RNA in ...
Vaccines, like the one for rotavirus, that prevent significant suffering Additionally, vaccines are studied and produced by companies, so the return on investment must be significant in order to justify the large expense. Vaccines are currently in development to prevent malaria. Themalariavaccine has...
cold is a mild infection that affects your nose, throat, sinuses and upper airways. It can cause symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose, sore throat, cough, headache, and fever. There are many different types of viruses that can cause a cold, but the most common one is called rhinovirus...
Fraudware How it works and how to prevent it from attacking your system A Fast Rhino Presentation to the Vistoso Computer Society November 11, 2012 Before we jump in to Fraudware, we should most likely begin by defining "Malware", which is short for "Malicious software". We've all heard...
Some travelers to less-developed countries get the vaccine to prevent typhoid fever. There are live and killed forms of this vaccine. Rabies is a viral infection that is 100 percent fatal once it has progressed. The disease is simply too dangerous to give, even in a weakened state. Fortunate...
Caused by more than 200 viruses, colds are infections of the upper respiratory system, made up of the nose, sinuses, trachea and throat. Rhinoviruses cause the majority of colds, but other types of viruses, such as coronaviruses, can also lead to colds. ...
Researchers have searched for infectious cough’s mechanism for years, given that finding how pathogens create cough could lead to an effective cure. So far, they have been unable to find definitive answers, but they have proposed some theories that may explain rhinovirus’ mechanism. The current...