Conditions affecting the uterus (e.g., uterine polyps, fibroids, etc.) Endometriosis(uterine tissue growth outside the uterus) Fallopian tubedamage or problems Pelvic adhesions (scars that bind parts of your reproductive system together) Ovulationdisorders, e.g.,PCOS,LUFS (luteinized unruptured folli...
Prevent Infertility in Women For women having a hard time getting pregnant, there are several easy ways to naturallyprevent infertilityand increase the odds of having ahealthy and natural pregnancy. Changes in overall health can greatly impact fertility levels and the ability to conceive. Healthy lif...
Common types of colorectal polyps Polyp is the term used to refer to growths of the lining of the mucous membrane. This growth can appear in the digestive tract, uterus, bladder, nasal passages, or genital area. Some colon polyps can turn cancerous. Determining what type of colorectal poly...
It is recommended that women with the high risk of prolapsed uterus should do Kegel exercises. Prolapsed uterus is a condition that occurs when one’s uterus starts slipping down from its usual place in the body through cervix and into vagina. The prolapsed uterus often occurs in women with w...
As part of the let-down reflex related to milk production, the uterus contracts in response to the oxytocin released, so breastfeeding while pregnant may put high-risk mothers in danger of miscarriages, which may be due to elevations in prolactin. If the woman has a history of preterm labor...
Abruption in prior pregnancies (you have a 10% risk it will happen again) Uterine rupture This is an abnormal splitting open of the uterus, causing the baby to be partially or completely expelled into the abdomen. Uterine rupture is rare, but very dangerous for both mother and baby. About ...
infection), uterine fibroids or polyps, other hormonal factors (like your thyroid), and abnormal sperm. In addition, having had complications during a prior pregnancy or delivery could also contribute to difficulty conceiving in the future (scar tissue in your uterus can impact embryo implantation)...
Perspiration increasesto help prevent your body from becoming overheated if you have to make a quick getaway. Your pupils dilateand let in more light to sharpen your focus for fighting or fleeing. Everything that’s not essential shuts down so your body can mobilize all it g...
Perspiration increasesto help prevent your body from becoming overheated if you have to make a quick getaway. Your pupils dilateand let in more light to sharpen your focus for fighting or fleeing. Everything that’s not essential shuts down so your body can mobilize all it...
Perspiration increasesto help prevent your body from becoming overheated if you have to make a quick getaway. Your pupils dilateand let in more light to sharpen your focus for fighting or fleeing. Everything that’s not essential shuts down so your body can mobilize all it...