House fires are dangerous. It's necessary for you to learn about how to prevent(预防) your house口口from catching fire. Here are some suggestions(建议) for三you. Keep them in your mind, an d you will know how to avoi d house fires.★ Tell your children the danger of fire. As a ...
1FHousefiresaredangerous. It's necessary foryou to learn about how toprevent(预防) your housefrom catching fire. Here aresome suggestions(建议)foryou. Keep them in yourmind, and you will know how to avoid housefires.Tell your children the danger of fire. As aparent, you should tell your ...
Use a fire extinguisher:Use a Class B fire extinguisher to put out the fire. Never throw water on a grease fire as it will cause the grease to splash and spread the fire. Taking these steps to prevent fires at home can greatly reduce the risk of disaster. ...
Defensible space is a buffer zone that helps prevent a fire from burning a building or property. Similar to control lines, defensible space can potentially stop the flames from spreading to homes while also creating a safe space for firefighters to control the blaze. Firef...
We should act to prevent them. In the supermarket, we can see a lot of people still use money to buy a pocket, although a pocket as long as 2 cents, but to protect the environment is every citizen's responsibility and obligation. Even if the pockets don't money, we should also have...
(D)Everyone needs to know how to prevent a fire. It is also important to know what to do when it breaks out.+Every year, over 11,000 people are killed or injured in house fires. Smokers who are careless cause about 200 deaths and over 6,000 fires. More than half of those who di...
Everyone needs to know how to prevent a fire. It is also important to know what to do when it 1 (break) out.Every year, over 11,000 people 2(kill) or injured in house fires. These fires could have been avoided. Smokers who are (care) cause about 200 deaths and3over 6,000 fires...
Last week was National Fire Prevention Week. We have explored how we can help prevent wildfires but what about fires in our homes? Did you know a house fire occurs every 86 seconds? Fires in the home are fairly common but there is much we can do to minimize the chances one will break...
Defensible space is a buffer zone that helps prevent a fire from burning a building or property. Similar to control lines, defensible space can potentially stop the flames from spreading to homes while also creating a safe space for firefighters to control the blaze. Firefi...
From the home’s exterior to 5 feet away, you want to prevent flames from coming in contact with windows, siding, vents and eaves. The gold standard is to haveonly non-flammable material in Zone 1. The most common risks are having flammable mulch, plants, firewood, lawn furniture, decks...