Hi my name is ali my fsh level is 13.1 what should i do to reduce it so that we can have a baby Asked for Male, 35 Years 3902 Views Ms. Saba Sheikh Dietitian/Nutritionist | Delhi Consult ur Gynaecologist Dr ... Read More My fsh levels is too high it's around 40.35 and...
You can take steps to improve your kidney health. These include lifestyle changes like increasing your intake of fluid, eating a healthier diet, losing excess weight, and controlling your blood pressure. You can also prevent kidney damage by quitting cigarettes and avoiding the overuse of nonstero...
How could chronic kidney disease cause high creatinine levels? How could chronic kidney disease cause HBP? How do kidneys contrast a rise of pH in body fluids? How is pee (urine) made? Describe the functions of each structure and...
Stress Reduction:Managing stress through meditation, therapy, or relaxation techniques can help prevent anxiety-related ED. Limiting Alcohol and Quitting Smoking:Alcohol can interfere with sexual function, while smoking damages blood vessels, reducing blood flow to the penis. ...
Additionally, temporarily holding the MRA in settings of diarrhea significant enough to lead to dehydration or during pauses in loop diuretic therapy should be considered to prevent hyperkalemia. Eplerenone, as a more selective medication, may be better tolerated than spironolactone in patients at risk...
Learn about the general composition of urine. Understand what urine is made of and the percentage of components of urine like urea, water, creatinine and pigments. Related to this Question How will urine volume and concentration be affected in the presence of aldosterone?
In this review, we discuss the current knowledge on the biological processes implicated in I/R injury and explore the strategies and interventions that are being proposed to either prevent I/R injury, treat its deleterious consequences, or support the reparative response of the kidney. Prospects ...
Arterial systolic/diastolic blood pressure, blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and creatinine were correlated before/after one HD. The urea reduction ratio during the dialysis session was determined.A total of 175 patients (35.4%) with a mean age of 57.3 ± 15.7 years were diagnosed with HRH...
Platelets are small cells that help the blood to clot. This test measures the amount of platelets present in the blood. If testing highlights a high count, this can indicate anemia, cancer or infection, while a low count can prevent wounds from healing and result in severe bleeding. ...
The CLEAR Outcomes trial of high cardiovascular risk patients, with elevated LDL-C levels and either unable or unwilling to take statins demonstrated that bempedoic acid reduced the rate of major adverse cardiovascular events. A greater incidence of elevation of hepatic transaminase and creatinine, ...