Advanced network monitoring and threat detection tools help detect and block intrusions and prevent data breaches from occurring or spreading. Behavior-based tools that use AI, such asnetwork detection and responseplatforms, detect user, network and data flow anomalies that might indicate a breach i...
Why do data leaks in the healthcare sector still happen and how can they be prevented? We investigate in our latest blog.
Prevent further leaks and breaches Getting the IT team involved in day-to day preventative monitoring is costly and time-consuming. Automated security solutions such as FileAudit monitor everything from on-premise Active Directory environments to cloud storage, and send alerts when abnormal activity is...
A close look at the data demonstrates just how prevalent and damaging security breaches are in the healthcare world. Across all industries in theUnited States in 2019, there were 1,473 data breaches with over 168.68 million sensitive records exposed. However, it’s not jus...
Learn more about the biggest data breaches, based on number of records compromised, and get advice on how to prevent a similar breach at your organization. 1. Yahoo Records compromised: 3 billion Breach date: August 2013 Disclosure date: December 2016 ...
Healthcare providers face the dual challenge of safeguarding both physical and digital assets. On the physical side, controlled substances and prescription medications must be securely stored to prevent unauthorized access. On the digital side, patient records must be protected from breaches and unauthori...
How to Prevent Data Breaches While every business that operates online faces some cyber threats, there are many ways to prevent data breaches or at least minimize their impact. Let’s take a look at some of them below. Look for Vulnerabilities No system is perfect. Every system, network...
5 potential signs your healthcare data has been breached Recognizing the warning signs of healthcare identity theft is the first step in prevention. In the first half of 2024, more than 31 million Americans were suspected to have been affected by the ten largest health data breaches. According...
healthcare business with the goals you need to achieve for a given facility. This means connecting with end users of your solution and addressing their needs. A comprehensive business strategy should consider processes like error-proofing, automation, data governance (data governance models), and ...
Healthcare. Your healthcare records could be used to create personalised medical plans tailored specifically for you. This is thanks to the vast amounts of health data it’s possible to gather from patients. Education. Data trends can be used to help people learn more efficiently. This also...