The reality of my situation is that my chickens free range during the day. I live right next to the woods and we do have nesting hawks. It is illegal to kill birds of prey and I would never want to do that. So, here are my top five ways to learn how to protect chickens from ha...
People who own poultry farms may also be prone to the agile hunter’s menace. Hawks have been known to snatch chickens from farms when their common food source is depleting. Thankfully, there are several safety measures to prevent that from happening. Specialized Shelter Chickens roaming around ...
Squirrels are rodents, and rodents are defined by their continuously growing teeth. Rodents are constantly driven to chew things in order to keep their incisors chiseled and to prevent them from growing to unwieldy lengths. Unfortunately for the homeowner, squirrels sometimes decide that a wooden dec...
I would cut to the ground (again) and then cover the roots with wet cardboard or newspaper before adding some mulch on top of that — just to prevent the plant from getting any sunlight. There has also been success with using black plastic to kill invasive plants after cutting them ...
Actions To Take Both hawks and owls are protected by theMigratory Bird Treaty Act, so shooting and trapping them is never an option. If raptor kills are a problem in your area, consider free-ranging your chickens in amobile tractorduring the day. ...
How to Kill Ant Hills Quickly & Prevent Infestations Locate, identify, and remove ant hills from your yard Ant hills can be a real eyesore on your lawn or in your garden, and if you’re not careful, they can lead to an ant infestation in your house. Luckily, there are sev... ...