To prevent a ringworm infection, your first line of defense is to be aware of the factors that cause it. Dermatophyte fungi like to live and grow in warm, damp environments, and can be transferred by physical contact [source: Trevino, Cairns]. While going to the gym is good for your ...
Swollen lymph nodes are a common reaction to various illnesses, such as strep throat, mononucleosis (mono), mumps, or even a simple canker sore. This swelling often indicates the body is generating additional white blood cells to counter the infection. ...
The easiest way to prevent drooling while sleeping is bykeeping your mouth closed or in an upright position. If you are normally a stomach or side sleeper, propping up your head with a fluffy pillow or sleeping on your back can reduce your risk of drooling. Is excess saliva normal? Too...
You can have a fever due to an ear infection, urinary tract infection,stomach flu,sinus infection, mononucleosis, respiratory infection, orstrep throat, just to name a few. Not all fevers are caused by infection, though. Children can run a low-grade fever for a few days after receiving imm...
Most of the people infected with mononucleosis may start to feel better within two to four weeks, but fatigue may last longer. It generally takes two to three months to completely recover from mononucleosis. Make sure the patient gets proper rest for fa
mononucleosis (a sexually transmitted disease), tumors in the throat, meningitis, or acid reflux. See your doctor if you have been treated for strep throat and it has not improved or resolved within three to four days. Sources: This tool does not provide medical advice.See additional informatio...
Condoms can help prevent sexually transmitted infections from many different types of sex Whether you’re looking for info on how to have sex for the first time, or just want to get to know the ins and outs of intimacy a bit better, we’re here to support you. In this guide, we’ll...
Chandron and Menon (2004) extended this theory to risk perception, looking at the effects of message cues on judgments of health risk. They framed risks associated with mononucleosis as occurring “every day” or “every year”, and found that the day frame increased risk ratings. According to...
following infection, antibody tests9 are not reliable because yourimmune systemhas not produced enough antibodies to be detected. Antibiotics that are given early during infection may also prevent your antibodies from reaching detectable levels, even though Lyme disease bacteria are causing your ...
From cold and flu to stress to post-workout muscle soreness, there are a bevy of things that can cause your body aches. Here's how to spot each one—and what you can do to make the pain go away.