根据第一段How to prevent COVID-19 (新冠病毒)when you are at home or in school?Now we would like to give you some advice.(如何在家中或学校预防新冠病毒?现在我们想给你一些建议);小标题On your way to school(在你去学校的路上)以及After school(放学后)由此可推知,文章是写给学生的。A.Teachers...
呼吁大家远离病毒, 保持健康。How to Protect Ourselves from COVD-19The broke-out of COVID-19 has influenced our life and study a lot. ___
How-to-prevent-COVID-19PPT课件 COVID-19isaninfectiousdiseasecausedbyanewcoronavirusintroducedtohumansforthefirsttime.2019冠状病毒病(COVID-19)是由首次传入人类的新冠状病毒引起的传染病。Itisspreadfrompersontopersonmainlythroughthedropletsproducedwhenaninfectedpersonspeaks,coughsorsneezes.它主要通过感染者说话、...
COVID-19: At present, there are also antiviral drugs, so we should be more active in the treatment of COVID-19, especially for the elderly with basic diseases, we should intervene early to avoid deterioration of the diseas...
Stay current with your COVID vaccinations. Get tested for COVID if you have symptoms. If you've been exposed, take steps to prevent the spread of COVID, such as masking and social distancing. Move indoor activities outdoors. Isolateif you think or know you have COVID. ...
3. 如果你没有COVID-19的症状,或者你已经完全接种了COVID-19疫苗,并且没有与COVID-19患者密切接触,那么你不需要隔离自己。 如何预防 COVID-19 传播 1. 勤洗手: 至少每天洗几次手,尤其是在接触公共场所、咳嗽、打喷嚏、使用洗手间、吃饭或准备食物、接触面部或接触可能被病毒污染的表面后。 2. 咳嗽或打喷嚏...
【答案】must;obey/follow;mustn't【核心短语/词汇】avoid:避免;go outside:外出;stay at home:待在家【翻译】——如何避免新型冠状病毒? ——当我们外出时我们必须戴口罩。 ——遵守规则并且待在家中是好的。 ——并且我们禁止狩猎或食用野生动物。【解析】中文提示为“必须”,且横线后为动词原形wear(佩...
As the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic continues to surge across Europe, many people are asking how best to protect themselves and others from the virus? As always, the first thing you should do is to follow government guidance and listen to the restrictions already in p...
Guidance on how to quarantine at home 1. Who needs to quarantine at home? People with asymptomatic or mild infections, who do not have serious chronic diseases, or who are under 65 years old with chronic diseases under control, and have no major organ dysfunction and need not to be hospita...
COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by a new coronavirus introduced to humans for the first time. 2019冠状病毒病(COVID-19)是由首次传入人类的新冠状病毒 引起的传染病。 It is spread from person to person mainly through the droplets produced when an infected person speaks, coughs or sneezes...