根据文章第一段"But they prevent you from getting sick. How? By teaching your body how to fight germs (病 ). Some vaccines (疫 ) contain germs of a specific disease that have either been killed or weakened, so the shots won't give you the disease.(但它们能防止你生病。 如何?通过教会...
OUCH!Shotshurt.Buttheypreventyoufromgettingsick.How?Byteachingyour bodyhowtofightgerms(病菌).Somevaccines(疫苗)containgermsofaspecificdisease thathaveeitherbeenkilledorweakened,sotheshotswon'tgiveyouthedisease.Quantitiesofwhitebloodcellscalled"Bcells"defendyourbody.Eachonecan recognizesomethingthatisnotpartofyo...
It's wise to take some easy precautions to prevent the heartbreak of missing a beach day or, even worse, being sick in bed for half your cruise. Taking health protection matters into your own hands is important. One thing the COVID-19 pandemic taught us is how easily germs can spread. ...
Anxiety Overwhelm Irritation Avoidance All or none of the above How to avoid getting sick in winter: 11 tips to stay healthy Physical Wellbeing Clinically reviewed by Dr. Chris Mosunic, PhD, RD, MBA Want to stay healthy this winter? Discover how cold weather affects virus transmission and 11...
Meningococcal conjugate vaccine: This single dose is given to children from the age of 11 to 12, and a booster shot given at the age of 16. 2. Avoid Having Direct Contact With Infected People If you do not know how to prevent meningitis in adults, you should not have direct contact wit...
Being sick is no fun for anyone, and while we cannot completely prevent these illnesses, there are a few steps we can take to help fight the common cold. Here are a few tips from yours truly, and Dr. Sara Connolly, FAAP,Bundoo Pediatrician. ...
How Can You Prevent Seasickness at Sea? In fact, anyone who suffers from pelagism already knows how sicky and miserable the experience can be. Trying to avoid, prevent, and treat motion sickness while sailing at sea is not easy. It is a nauseating inconvenience for some… and a wretched ...
Shut yourself or a sick family member away in a separate part of the house. It gives them space to rest and recover. And it helps keep what ails you in one spot instead of spreading it around the house. Since time of being contagious varies from illness to illness, ask your doctor ab...
In the case of COVID-19, Kulkarni stresses that the most effective and best-proven way to protect yourself is to get vaccinated and boosted. While vaccines may not entirely prevent you from getting COVID-19, they remain extremely effective at preventing severe disease and hospitalization....
Today, doctors know a lot about how to stop germs(细菌) from spreading. They advise people to cover their mouths when they cough or sneeze. Washing hands also helps. Storing food correctly can help prevent illness as well. However, people didn't use to know a lot about germs. For many...