Using devices for crimes Devices used as tools to commit other illegal activities Phishing emails Cyberstalking Identity theft Financial cybercrime Crimes that target financial assets and transactions Credit card fraud Ransomware Invasion of privacy Crimes focused on unauthorized access to personal data ...
Using devices for crimes Devices used as tools to commit other illegal activities Phishing emails Cyberstalking Identity theft Financial cybercrime Crimes that target financial assets and transactions Credit card fraud Ransomware Invasion of privacy Crimes focused on unauthorized access to personal data ...
Cybercrimes generally do not occur in a vacuum; they are, in many ways, distributed in nature. That is, cybercriminals typically rely on other actors to complete the crime. This is whether it's the creator of malware using thedark webto sell code, the distributor of illegal pharmaceuticals ...
but the uncertainty and angst brought on during these times have increased the avenues open for cyber criminal activity.This Webinar will focus on common cyber fraud
With October being Cybersecurity Awareness Month in many countries, including South Africa, it is clear that internet users are ready for anti-fraud advice. According to ZA Central Registry NPC (ZACR), there are many ways whereby internet users can help to prevent domain name fraud in South Af...
Criminal groups are perhaps the most well-known source of cyber threats. These groups are typically motivated by financial gain and use a range of tactics to steal data, commit fraud, or engage in other illegal activities. These groups can be highly organized and sophisticated, using advanced te...
Suppose one falls prey to fraud or a phishing scam. The victim of the phishing attack should first determine how they became prey and thenature of the cyberattack. This may involve some investigative work to determine what information was compromised. It is also a good idea to check any acco...
Identity theft protection expert Carrie Kerskie says being aware of what new cyber and phone fraud trends to look out for is your biggest defense against unwanted fraud. “The more that we can get this information out there the better,” Kerskie recently told T-Mobile Stories, “Unfortunately...
Ransomware is a profitable market for cybercriminals. It’s difficult to completely prevent this type of attack. However, you can take preventive measures to protect yourself from these malicious attacks. Here are a few effective steps that you should take to prevent ransomware attacks: ...
How to prevent cyberstalking? The best cyberstalking prevention is control of the personal information you make public online. Oversharing can leave you vulnerable not only to cyberstalkers, but hackers,phishing attacks, and other threats, so always follow best practice for digital safety and privac...