This is a series of X-rays taken from different angles that give your doctor a picture of your colon. Before this test, you’ll prep your bowels and drink a liquid to make polyps easy to see. A virtual colonoscopy may be right for you if you take blood thinners. It’s noninvasive ...
A colonoscopy is a medical procedure. A doctor inserts a camera mounted on long, flexible tube called a colonoscope into your rectum and colon. Colonoscopies are done to prevent, treat, and monitor diseases of your large intestine, such as colorectal cancer. Your colonoscopy will likely be done...
PWE-201 Techniques for removal of polyps from the right colon: how are we doing them?The aim was to assess the method of colonic polypectomy used in comparison to recommendations by all endoscopists at our district general hospital. A prospective assessment of polypectomy technique from the ...
but colonoscopies have been found to reduce the risk of death from the disease by 70 percent or more by detecting cancer early. But doctors don’t always find every polyp. As a gastroenterologist, CBS News chief medical correspondent Dr. Jon LaPook knows all too well that colon polyps can ...
The causes of bad breath can vary, from poor oral hygiene to underlying health issues, and the impact on your health can be significant. In this article, we will explore the causes and effects of bad breath, how it can impact your health, and what you can do to prevent it. What ...
to decrease the risk of intra-procedural bleeding which also helps to maintain a clean resection field. The role of this agent in preventing delayed bleeding is however controversial. ESGE guidelines recommend the use of diluted epinephrine before hot-snare polipectomy of large pedunculated polyps (...
Many GI issues like constipation and food poisoning can cause a stomach ache. Here are the best remedies to soothe an upset stomach from gastroenterologists.
Acolonoscopyis one of the best ways to spot or help prevent colon cancer. But many people who should have the procedure don’t. Often that’s because they’re afraid of what they have to go through to get ready for it. Before your procedure, you'll go through a process called colonosc...
Colon polyps.These are growths that can happen in the colon. Some can turn into cancer over time. Colorectal cancer can also cause bleeding. Intestinal infections.Inflammation and bloody diarrhea can result from intestinal infections. Learn more about common infections such asH. pylori. ...