Should I declaw my cat? Why do cats scratch? For cats, scratching is a natural behavior, just like breathing and purring, and it is a way to mark territory, remove the dead layer of their claws, stretch, work off energy, or fight boredom. It is a normal behavior grounded in felines...
Whether you are trying to prevent or cure a scratching problem, the single most important thing you can do is praise and reward your cat for scratching and climbing her post. Simply plonking down a few posts in front of your cat is not enough. You must specifically train her to scratch ...
Veterinarians in research seek better ways toprevent, diagnose and treat animal and human health problems. They study many diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular disease using laboratory animals that are carefully bred, raised, and maintained under the supervision of veterinarians. Where is anthrax...
Cat scratch fever—also known as “cat scratch disease”—or bartonellosis—is an infectious disease caused by variousBartonellabacteria. In this particular instance, we’re mostly referring toBartonella henselae. While this bacteria can be transferred from felines to humans by biting insects such ...
When your cat has fleas, the bite usually causes your pet to scratch and it can lead to irritation and allergies. If fleas become established on your cat, it can lead to more serious health problems and you could end up with an infestation in your house. In this article you'll learn ...
My cat keeps scratching the edge of an oriental rug, how can I keep the cat from ruining the rug? Answer Question 0 1 in Animals & Pets Report MORE: cat, scratch, oriental rug, rug1 Answer Answers 0 Here's one way to keep your cat from scratching a particular area (edge) of ...
and other problems. Furthermore, an irritated skin makes your cat scratch herself which further worsens the condition. Even if you don’t notice any symptoms other than dandruff get your cat to the vet as soon as possible to make sure that there is no underlying disease that’s causing it...
But some types of fleas can carry disease. They might spread plague, typhus, cat scratch disease, and parasites, such as tapeworms. Depending on the type of germ, people and animals can get sick if they swallow an infected flea, get flea poop on a cut (often when scratching an itchy ...
“We hope a better understanding of what cat fleas require to feed and transmit pathogens will give physicians, veterinarians and public health officials the information needed to prevent new outbreaks of a number of diseases,” Danchenko said, “and to provide more effective treatment for people...
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