4. Use of Enzymatic Cleaners:For any accidents outside the litter box, clean up quickly with enzymatic cleaners to prevent repeated incidents. These cleaners remove odors completely, deterring your cat from returning to the spot. Also, if you notice frequent accidents outside of the litter box,...
Replace the Box When Needed. After washing the box, before refilling with fresh litter, inspect it to check for scratches or traces of retained odor. Plastic tends to hold odors so if the box still smells, even after washing, it’s time for a replacement. Boxes with lots of scratches fro...
There are plenty of things you probably already have in your home that can naturally clear odors from the air. Some of the best odor eliminators are coffee grounds, tea, vinegar, oats, and baking soda. Leaving a bowl of any of these odor absorbers out in a room that's due for a litt...
Why Litter Box Setup Matters Instinctual needs. Safety and security. Personal preference. There’s a lot connected to your cat’s litter box experience. If you can meet their instinctual needs, ensure they feel safe using the box, and cover any of their quirky preferences, good things happen...
Click here forThe Ultimate Guide on How To Prevent Foot Odor. Remember, Never wear the same pair of shoes two days in a row but rotate. Shoes can take 36 hours or longer to dry completely. If you wear them every day, they’ll never dry completely and bacteria have free play. ...
The sooner you clean up the cat urine, the sooner you will get rid of the odor and help prevent your cat from peeing in that spot again. You’ll need to neutralize the cat urine odor, not just cover up the smell with perfumes or fragrances. You don’t like the ammonia smell in cat...
cat litter is probably not the solution you're looking for. For a larger area, use a machine. But for smaller spaces, litter is a great choice. For example, cat litter is an ideal way to prevent mildew growth and remove excess moisture from your musty camper while it's parked for the...
The sooner you clean cat urine up, the easier it is to eliminate that lingering cat pee odor. To help you know what to do when a urine cat-astrophe inevitably happens, we’ve got some cat pee cleaning tips and some advice on how to prevent urinary accidents in the first place. So ...
spraying/urine-marking on vertical surfaces; leaving a pungent odor scratching tree bark nesting underneath your porch or other structures preying on birds 3 Know Your Cat Type A cat in your yard may be stray, feral or a neighbor's pet that has been trained to wander outdoors. It's impo...
Alternatively, you could try introducing Coleus caninus, commonly known as the scaredy cat plant. Its odor is known to repel other animals as well, so it can be a good option to try to keep unwanted visitors at bay—if you can tolerate the smell yourself. ...