Peas are another cool-season crop that grows best in containers and shady gardens. The key to planting this vegetable is timing because you want to start cultivating the seed in the soil and harvest the produce before the weather gets too hot. Peas are space-saving crops as they best grow ...
While the presence of invasive green iguanas and tegu lizards in Florida are attributed to the pet trade, other non-native species have made their way to the state through international trade practices. One example is the Cuban tree frog, which was thought to make its way to Florida via carg...
Feed your pet and store its water inside the house, where cane toads won’t be able to find it. Cane toads are known to lay eggs in still water, which may include a water bowl. Change your pet’s water often and keep it inside to prevent cane toads from swimming in it. If you...
Toads are amphibians that you can find all over the world. Toads come in many sizes. They even have "warts" on their bodies. You might want to catch a toad to keep it as a pet, but might find it difficult because they are often hard to...
Cane toads Kathykafka/Getty Images Cane toads are large amphibians native to parts of Central and South America. Unlike some other invasive species that were introduced to Florida on accident, the cane toad was intentionally brought to the region to help control sugar cane pests during the 1930s...
Fend off and prevent destructive amphibious pests Frogs reduce the insect population in an area and are relatively harmless, unless you're dealing with a species that is poisonous to pets. Introducing a few natural predators to the area,...