Doyouwanttoinformyouraudiance,inspirethemtothinkaboutyourtopic,orconvincethemofaparticularpointofview?Differentpurposewillrequiredifferentstylesandcontent(persuasiveorinformative)演讲是一个双向沟通过程 演讲后 1.Whatisthepoint?---objectives Whatmakesagoodpresentation?Listallthethingsyouthinkmakeagoodpresentation.Purp...
学术(xuéshù)英语如何做演讲 Howtodoapresentation 第一页,共55页。 I.Whatisapresentation? Apresentationispubliclyspeakingtoanaudiencewith intenttoinform,demonstrate,explainorpersuade.The presentationisnormallywritten,thenperformedand includesanintroduction,abodyconsistingofmainpoints andaconclusion.Thesubjectmatter,...
1、 Effective Effective Presentations Main points nDefinition of a presentationnElements of a presentationnStructure of a presentationnTactics of a presentationI. What is a presentation?nA presentation is publicly speaking to an audience with intent to inform, demonstrate, explain or persuade. The ...
Get used to the ideas, the words and pronunciation. When it is time to present, get up and smile Steps Begin your presentation and keep eye contact with the entire room. Do not stick to a script. Be natural and at ease while presenting. Keep your voice flexible. modulate your voice to...
学术英语如何做演讲How to do a presentation;I. What is a presentation?; II. The elements of a presentation;audiance;演讲是一个双向沟通过程; ;1. What is the point? ---objectives;Purposes for making a presentation; Checklist 1. Overall a. Does he consider the audience? b. Does he have...
to show your ideas quickly.C.Work on obtaining as much information on the subject as you can.D.For example,the tone of your voice,and the gestures you make.E.Write out the presentation in rough,just likc a first draft of a repori.F.You will have to change your style based on the...
It’s helpful to identify where your worries are coming from and address your fears. Here are some common concerns when preparing for an upcoming presentation: Fearof public speaking:When you share your ideas in front of a group, you’re placing yourself in a vulnerable position to be critiqu...
Well - organized presentation is more credible . 有条理的演讲更可信。 The more organized you are , the more credible you sound , and contrast that with someone who stands up in front of the audience , and has very disorganized thoughts and ideas , and is just jumping from one idea to th...
So here are some sample heuristics you can put in your armamentarium and build up your repertoire of ideas about presentation. And now, if this persuades you that there is something to know, that there is knowledge, then I've already succeeded because what I want to convince you of is, ...
第77课-如何做好一场presentation?-How To Deliver Effective Presentations _ 年轻人的技能学习神器 01 Good morning everybody! So yesterday’s Career Sense 101 lesson was about, How to Get Your Management To Listen To Your Ideas.For today’s lesson, I want to address another communication ...