Some examples: More mobile addiction treatments in neighborhoods without many treatment options, like the van that prescribes medication-assisted treatment in South Philly. The city is also looking to add more supportive housing for the chronically homeless. Former deputy director of emergency management...
What can be done to prevent the GI side effects of NSAIDs? a. Co-administration of NSAID with PPI. b. Enteric-coated tablets. c. Prescribe CINODs instead. d. All of the above. Which of the following is an opioid analgesic that ...
In the past 5 y, 46 states have passed laws enabling EMS personnel, including police officers, to administer naloxone in suspected cases of opioid overdose. Additionally, 46 states and the District of Columbia now have laws that provide immunity to medical professionals who prescribe or dispense ...
the dealers, have been cutting their drugs with all kinds of things that are increasing mortality. There’s much more benzodiazepine, which are things like Xanax, and that doesn’t respond to Narcan.”
PERRONE: It’s complicated, but when we went from the late ’60s, when we started methadone and you know, we had people who needed treatment, but we weren’t going to let just any doctor prescribe it. And so that’s why methadone was restricted to these federal treatment programs. But...