Planting onion seedlings Planting onion sets Companion plants for onions Container growing onions Watering onions Feeding onions Onion care Onion pests Onion diseases Harvesting onions Storing and preserving onions Onions in the kitchen Onions frequently asked questions Onion varieties to grow About onionsRai...
Why planting onion seeds is better than planting sets Onion sets are immature bulbs that were grown from seed that was planted in mid-summer of the previous year. The partially-grown bulbs are pulled from the soil in the fall and stored in a dormant state through the winter to be replante...
Preparing for a Successful Onion Harvest How to plant onion transplants.Source: Distant Hill Gardens Especially if you want to start onion seeds, you need the right conditions. Let’s do a little primer on how to prepare and maintain your planting area. We’ll discuss what your onions need...
The Egyptian walking onion is ready in 250 days if it is fall planted, or 90 days if it is spring planted. The catawissa onion takes 250 days if fall planted, 125 days when spring planted. The yellow potato onion is for fall planting only, and takes 250 days. The Japanese bunching...
Planting Onions Seeds and Sets Growing Onion Bulbs: Pick the Right Variety How to Grow Onion Sets How to Harvest and Store Onions How to Grow Green Onions How to Plant, Grow, and Harvest Welsh Onions Onion Family Growing Problems Troubleshooting How to Plant and Grow Onions How to Plant, Gr...
Prepare potting soil bags as grow bags by poking a row of small holes in the bottom of the bag. Space the holes approximately 2 inches apart. Onions grow well in container gardens. Choose smaller onion varieties for the grow bag or plant green onions. Lay the grow bag down with the ...
Be sure to harden off onion plants in a sheltered area for one week before planting. Onion sets should be planted after any danger of frost. Plant by simply pressing onion sets into the soil until they are just covered, 3-4” apart in rows 1-2’ apart. Water: Ample water is ...
When planting green onion seeds, they should be sown ¼ inch deep and one inch apart. They can be thinned to one to two inches as they mature but do not need to be. In fact, we recommend planting your green onions in clumps as young plants can be easily knocked over; growing in ...
Low plantings can be covered with mulch, such as straw or leaf mold, for a short, cold period. Remove once the danger of frost has passed.Read more about using mulch. Create Cold Frames In the future, consider cold frames for your garden, either portable or permanent.Here’s how to ma...
Shell garden peas before cooking How to prepare peas Shell garden peas just before using. Rinse peas under running water before shelling; snap off the stem end of the pod; pull off the string along the seams. Do the same at the other end, and pry the pod open to remove the seeds.Favo...