Neem oil is a commonly used natural remedy for both indoor and outdoor plants. Learn more about this treatment, when and how to use it to help keep your plants healthy and thriving.
This article provides a great solution for those who are interested in a DIY approach to garden pest control. Whether you’re looking for a homemade neem oil recipe, curious about how to make neem oil from scratch, or in need of a neem oil spray recipe, this guide covers it all. It’...
Neem oil inhibits the ability of aphids to move and feed, interrupts the life cycle, and smothers the insects. Use neem oil according to instructions and make sure to coat the entire rose plant, including the undersides of leaves where aphids may be hiding. Learn more about how to use ...
Neem oil:Combine 4 tablespoons of neem oil with 5 liters of water. Spray onto the fungus infection every few days until the infection is gone. Water and baking soda:Mix 1 tablespoon of baking soda and 5 liters of water. The solution should be applied to your lawn every 3 days until ...
Don’t treat in temperatures above 85° degrees Fahrenheit– Neem oil loses potency at higher temperatures, and the heat may also lead to burns due to the oil content. Always test before treatment– Some orchid species can be more sensitive to neem oil. At the same time, individual plants ...
A soil pH of 6.0 to 6.8 is best for leeks. Grow leeks where legumes have recently grown. They will benefit from nitrogen in the soil. Leeks are often sown or transplanted into trenches. Trench-planting is a way to blanch the stems making them more tender and flavorful. Prepare trenches ...
Prepare planting beds by adding aged compost and well-rotted organic mulch. Side-dress eggplants with compost tea or a dilute solution of fish emulsion every 2 or 3 weeks until the fruit has set and then every 3 to 4 weeks after.
Neem oil is derived from the seed kernels of the neem tree and is used in the production of several commercial products, including mosquito repellents, cosmetics, lotions and soaps. Tip As the mixture will break down over time, it is recommended to only mix up enough for use at the time...
Before planting, it’s essential toprepare your garden areaeffectively. These steps will set a solid foundation for your garden. 1. Clearing the Ground and Testing Soil Start by clearing the garden space of weeds, rocks, and debris. You can use a shovel or spade to loosen the soil, making...
Neem oil is also an all-natural pesticide. You have the option of adding 1 oz. of neem oil to your homemade pesticide. You can also sprinkle diatomaceous earth on top of the soil around your vegetables. The diatomaceous earth will pierce the skeleton of any bugs or insects that crawl on...