Even though protein shakes can be very convenient, you don’t want to rely on them too much. I recommend focusing your intake of protein around whole foods as your main source. This means eating foods like meat, chicken, fish, eggs and other foods that are rich in protein. However, sinc...
The many different sizes of shrimp and pawns should be considered when learning how to make fried shrimp. All shrimp are pretty small and quick cooking in comparison to other foods like fried chicken. Two minutes too long when cooking in hot oil will ruin the taste and texture of shrimp or...
Pickled vegetables, sprouts, and some things like ankimo (monkfish liver) are OK to order from the sushi chef if you see them advertised at the bar. Don't be afraid to ask for things not listed in the menu. Chances are the chef has them under the counter for those people (like you)...