How do you cook peas? Peas are cooked in the least possible amount of water and in just the time for them to become just tender. The French cook peas in the water it takes to moisten lettuce leaves. Line a saucepan with damp greens and a few pea pods, pour in the shelled peas, ...
Kohlrabi Leeks Lettuce Lima Beans Melons Mizuna Mustard Greens New Zealand Spinach Okra Onions Parsnips Peanuts Peas Peppers Potatoes Pumpkins Radicchio Radishes Rhubarb Rutabaga Salsify Shallots Sorrel Southern Peas Soybeans Spinach Squash, Summer
How to Cook Brussels Sprout Greens By Lorraine Shea Named after the capital of Belgium, Brussels sprouts come from the cruciferous, or Brassica, family along with cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, kohlrabi, collards, mustard and bok choy. They provide high amounts of vitamin C, vitamin A...
Harvest all tender vegetables and tender greens, including tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, beans, cucumbers, watermelons, cantaloupe, okra, squash, and sweet corn. Green tomatoes don’t need light to ripen; in fact, light can slow ripening. Keep fruit at 55 and 65 degrees (F) for best ripeni...
You often hear about the 72-hour kits (oh yeah, we had the biggest recorded earthquake in the Salt Lake City metropolis in Utah during the 2020 pandemic too, so that just added insult to injury) that many will make to prepare for a natural disaster emergency. But what’s ...
Kale is an easy-to-grow, cool-weather crop favored by gardeners everywhere. As members of theBrassicaceaefamily, kale and collard greens are both varieties of non-heading cabbage, and are related to broccoli, cauliflower, Brussel sprouts,kohlrabi, and bok choi, too. ...
KohlrabiX Leeks8 to 10 weeks Lettuce4 to 5 weeksX OkraX OnionsX ParsnipsX PeasX Peppers8 weeks PotatoesX PumpkinsX RadishesX RutabagasX SpinachX Squash(Summer)X Squash(Winter)X Sweet PotatoesX Swiss ChardX Tomatoes6 to 8 weeks TurnipsX ...
Today we’re moving toward the planting stage with some more steps to take. Prepare your soil before planting If you’re using an existing garden bed for fall and winter plants, it’s a good idea to add some compost before planting. ...
KohlrabiTurnips Leeks Lemongrass Lettuce Mint Mustard greens Onions Oregano Parsley Potatoes Radishes (spring) Radishes (summer) Radishes (winter) Scallions Shallots Spinach Strawberries Tarragon Thyme Turmeric More ways to prepare for planting this season: ...
the whole head. This way, the plant will continue to produce leaves from its center and you can have a much bigger total harvest overtime. As a bonus tip, if you sow a packet of mixed greens, you’ll also get different flavors, colors and textures in your salad every time you ...