Unlock the magic of ginger and learn all the secrets for peeling, cutting, storing, and using ginger in all its forms: from slicing thin coins and chopping matchsticks to a grated puree. You’ll discover the genius of ginger with this simple guide to preparing and cooking with ginger root ...
You will need to prepare your ginger root before planting it. Cut the ginger root into pieces that are about 1 to 1 1/2 inch wide. Be sure each piece has at least one eye. Allow the cut areas of your pieces to callous over for a 24-48 hours. How to sprout ginger from its root...
Plant ginger in spring as soon as nighttime temperatures are above 55°F (13°C). For direct planting of rhizomes in the garden, soil temperatures should be warmer than 75°F (24°C). In many regions in North America, this is mid-spring. It does take about 8 to 10 months for ginger...
Step-by-Step Guide to Planting and Caring for a Ginger Plant Step 1: Prepare the Ginger Root and Soil The first thing you need to do is to prepare your ginger root and soil. Sourcing them isn’t that hard. You can get them at almost any store that has a gardening section. The prob...
Prepare a cell-less tray, casserole dish, or similar container with several inches of evenly moist compost. If you’ve decided to start with small pieces of ginger, cut them now leaving at least one eye per chunk. When cutting, allow the ginger to sit on the counter for at least a day...
Jean Carper
I look at my ginger plants exactly once a year, at harvest time.I harvest them, replant them, and then forget about them for another year. I easily grow a year's supply of ginger root from them. I also have plenty left over to give away, both ginger root planting material and ginge...
Shell garden peas before cooking How to prepare peas Shell garden peas just before using. Rinse peas under running water before shelling; snap off the stem end of the pod; pull off the string along the seams. Do the same at the other end, and pry the pod open to remove the seeds.Favo...
Prepare a container for your cuttings ahead of time. Use a sharp knife or new razor blade to cut a 2- to 3-inch section of stem from your Cordyline Red Star plant. Cut the section from an older stem that has dropped its leaves, but displays one or two leaf nodes. Leaf nodes are ...
Prepare your soil before planting Start seedlings indoors or outdoors Plan protection strategy and get structures ready Here’s one example of a strategy for plants to be grown through the winter. Mulch root crops Lay out row cover Set up poly hoops ...