While any dog can, in theory, be trained to become a SAR dog, some are more suited to the pursuit than others. Generally, SAR dogs will be medium to larger breeds, because in addition to picking up on a scent, they often need to be able to follow it through difficult terrain, so t...
It is important to remember that while fresh, home cooked dog food is better than processed foods, a good commercial diet is better than apoorly designedhomemade diet. Problems may also occur if the home cooked dog food is either under- or over-supplemented with certain vitamins and minerals...
This will vary depending on your needs — it could be dog food, supplements, wines, fresh flowers, or whatever you find yourself wishing could be magically restocked. Make a “second batch” when you’re cooking meals that freeze well, like chili or meatloaf. That way you’ll have ...
Rapid food changeSwitching between types or brands of dog food too quickly can upset your dog's stomach and lead to diarrhea. Their gut needs time to adapt to the new food.Giving your dog a new treats without slowly introducing them can lead to diarrhea as well, especially if they are ...
While we're all aware of certain foods that will cause a threat, there are others that may come as quite a surprise. We break down what symptoms to watch out for and why these foods should be avoided. Top Eight Ways To Prepare Your Pets for a Baby ...
You can make fresh, delicious homemade bread! These step by step instructions, homemade bread recipes and easy tips will help you learn to do it! How To Make Homemade Bread – Baking Basics Here are some easy tips about how to make homemade bread. Don’t let all this information make...
Dogs can digest wet, fresh, and raw foods faster than dry kibble. The protein and fat content of the food will also affect the transit time through the GI tract. High-fat foods will take longer to leave the stomach for example. Eating in general also stimulates waste to be expelled from...
Boosting your intake of fresh fruits and vegetables. Using smaller plates and bowls so that your serving sizes appear bigger than they are in relation to the plate. Eat the healthiest foods first so you’re too full to eat the less healthy foods. Keep a food and exercise journal, or ...
Healthy Choice is a brand of frozen entrees or meals that take only a few minutes to prepare in the microwave and are still healthy alternatives. Baked rather than fried is always a better choice, and many supermarkets today offer baked products fresh from their bakery, ready to go. ...
Preparing a simple first aid kit for your dog doesn’t require you to bring anything and everything that you can think of. Reading our simple guide on pet first aid is a good start to prepare for any emergencies. Here are a few simple things you can bring on your hiking trip to ensur...